Erin B.
Erin discovered her love for lifting at an old school bodybuilding gym in college. Shattering self-doubt in her training, taught Erin to apply the same methodology in everyday life. In 2017, she became a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and launched her personal training business Sustaining Strong.
Since then, Erin honed her expertise in strength training to kettlebell, barbell and bodyweight training. Her certifications include:
StrongFirst Level 1 Kettlebell Instructor (SFG I)
StrongFirst Level 2 Kettlebell Instructor (SFG 2)
StrongFirst Barbell Instructor (SFL)
Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC)
She trains her clients out of the Academy of the Strength in Wicker Park.
Training Philosophy: “It’s not just about harnessing the strength to lift heavy things, but learning what you’re capable of mentally and physically.”
When Erin isn’t swinging kettlebells or building her personal training business, she enjoys rocking out to metal, hiking, cooking, geeking out to Harry Potter and hanging with her pups Gabe and Bogie.