Think back to a time in life where you felt completely in flow. A time where you felt completely at peace or where you felt the most alive. Have you had moments like this? How did you feel, who were you with, and what got you there?
These are the times in life where we merge with the future version of ourselves. The times where we remember that we truly are alive.
The truth is, not many of us reach this state often. We might give up on our dreams, and follow the motions of what we feel we “should” be doing versus focusing on a future version of ourselves that is beyond the shoulds.
The following are five steps to lovingly release the “shoulds” and embody the future version of yourself that your soul is calling you towards.

1. Visualization & Utilizing Your Imagination
Visualizing the future version of yourself can help you re-enter an imaginary world that most of us dropped around exiting childhood. Who were you before the world told you who you should be? A great visualization technique is to imagine that you are the actor in your own play: How has your story played out? Who are the characters around you? How does this version of you make you feel? Then ask yourself, what is one action step I can take today to reach this state? Let yourself dream, let yourself play, think outside the box and picture the version of yourself that would make your inner child proud.
2. Journaling Techniques
Utilizing your journal and putting pen to paper sends a clear sign to the universe that you are ready to embody the future version of you. One of the best questions you can answer in your journal without limitations is this: What would I do if I couldn’t fail? Set a 7 minute timer, and brain dump. Write down all your dreams and goals. You can also allow yourself to write out your dooms-day scenario, but then make sure to revise this into HOW it can actually go right!

3. Meditation
Meditation is a way that we can connect deeper to our future selves without limitations of the mind. This can be the 5-10 minutes a day that we take to ourselves, without distraction. There are numerous ways to meditate, and this does not only include sitting down taking intentional breaths in silence. Ways to meditate without actually sitting down can be taking a long walk, an intentional shower, running, or even blow drying your hair! Meditation is whatever allows you to get into a state of quieting the mind and entering into your heart space. Sometimes just 5 minutes a day can help shift your focus. It helps us listen to what our soul is calling us towards and not our ego (mind). If you would like a future self guided meditation, I am linking mine here! You can also access this in our Membership Portal library, linked here.
4. Gratitude For Who You Already Are
Being grateful for what you already have and who you already are is one of the quickest ways to become the future version of yourself. Your future self is still YOU, so it is important to recognize that you are already powerful. That you already have the tools within to become them. Writing a list of what you are grateful for, even if you don’t feel it at the moment, is a powerful tool to get to where you want to go. It might even show you that you are already there.

5. Have Radical Self-Acceptance & Belief in Yourself
You are your biggest cheerleader. You are the one who will be there at the beginning and the end. You are the one with the vision, the dream. You always have the power. It might not make sense to others, but all that matters is it makes sense to you. Taking responsibility for your dreams, showing up consistently, and not giving up is the key to your future self. Your future self is always rooting for you, and you are perfect for them. Without you, they wouldn’t be who they are today. Remember this when you are in between the stage of where you are and where you want to be, and never give up! The world needs what makes you, you.

Bridget Rose is an intuitive mentor and life coach that teaches clients how to listen to the sound of their souls to take the practical steps towards their dreams. She believes that everyone has a connection to their intuition, and that fostering this connection unlocks their superpower and highest path. Bridget provides 1:1 sessions, coaching packages, workshops, courses and more for her clients. You can learn more about Bridget at her website or follow along on Instagram @intuitivelybridget. She also offers a 14 day free trial to CHI-SOCIETY Members for her Membership Portal, linked here.